In the temporary Wall Drawings, using fragile materials allows me to explore the ephemeral. For someone witnessing the accumulation of marks there is anticipation and realization, but it is fleeting. Erasing the work creates marks all the same, and in a sense the drawing is still being created even as it is erased. The permanent Wall Drawings hold a moment in suspension and what is ephemeral is perception.

Wall Drawing 9, 2023

Wall Drawing 5, 2010

Wall Drawing 4, 2010
Wall Drawing 2 & 3, 2009 & 2010

Wall Drawing 1, 2009
“The installation is a single chapter in what Hough refers to as a continuous drawing that touches down in each site to mark time and architecture with simple, elemental chalk lines. Drawing is a foundational action. Each line, smudge, and erasure unfolds as an intensive dialogue between the mark maker, material, space, surface, and time.” Text Provided by Open Space
“Hough views each installation as beginning where the previous left off, and the meditative concentration required to endure and to control such a sizable drawing is reminiscent of coloured sand mandalas meticulously and meditatively produced by Tibetan Buddhist monks. Only to be swept away.…What is also notable in Hough’s work is the visibility of process, which concurrently straddles narrative and documentation. Throughout this process, there is an element of performance as she makes herself available to public spectatorship and inquiry over the course of her residency and the work’s production, as well as the potential for interaction and activity to alter the course of the drawing. Moreover, the memories of these events as they occur simultaneously with the marking of the chalk on the wall are embedded within the image. So too are moments of meditation alongside interrupted concentration. These momentary and unpredictable adjustments complicate the historiographical linearity of this project and subsequently call to question the subjectivity, documentation, and interpretation of history.…Hough’s methodology continues to break down the practice of contemporary drawing through the simplicity of its essential parts: intention, line, and surface.” Text Provided by Open Space